Remembering Hana Kimura - Hana Kimura vs Sammii Jayne - EVE
We were blessed to have had Hana Kimura perform in EVE back in September 2018. As a way for us to be remembering Hana Kimura right now and paying our respect to her we have released Hana's EVE match for free outside of our usual schedule.
So here is Hana Kimura's UK debut against former EVE Champion Sammii Jayne from EVE Global Women Strike.
Hana Kimura's loss is a hard one for the entire wrestling community to absorb. Please remember wrestlers are people too. It just so happens that their job is to entertain. Remember their on screen personas are just that - on screen personas. It's not who they are in real life. Please remember to be kind to one another and that words can be more damaging than even the biggest moves and stunts you see performed.
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"On Tuesdays We Riot" as EVE - Riot Grrrls of Wrestling releases a free match here on YouTube every Tuesday evening!
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Photo credit: Rob Brazier
Sammii Jayne Theme Music: Just Seven "Music The Best 3"
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