John Pollock and Wai Ting review #AEWDynamite with the semi-finals of the TNT Championship tournament featuring Cody vs. Darby Allin and Lance Archer vs. Dustin Rhodes. [REVIEW STARTS AT 00:27:17]
Also on the show, The Best Friends take on Kip Sabian & Jimmy Havoc in a No DQ match, Brodie Lee takes on Marko Stunt, a message from AEW champion Jon Moxley, and the latest edition of The Bubbly Bunch as they recreate the quarantined stuntmen TikTok.
Plus, the company confirms they are going live next week with several returns announced.
NEWS OF THE DAY [00:02:45]
**Report on Cain Velasquez and clarification on Gerald Brisco’s status with WWE
**WWE Raw viewership
**Dark Side of the Ring and WWE on FS1 ratings
**Madison Square Garden postpones WWE event for a second time
**Adam Cole vs. Velveteen Dream next week
**Hana’s Kitchen with Hana Kimura
Plus your feedback, comments, and questions from the POST Wrestling Forum.
Check out the brand new Rocky Maivia Picture Show t-shirt at store.postwrestling.com!
Photo Courtesy: #AEW
Rewind-A-Dynamite Theme by Jacob Chesnut
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