Lyrics:秋元康 Music:大河原昇 Arrangement:若田部誠
STU48 5thシングル「思い出せる恋をしよう」のファン投票企画「ファンが決めちゃうSTU48 6thシングルカップリングユニット」にて選ばれた7名のメンバー(石田千穂、岩田陽菜、沖 侑果、門脇実優菜、瀧野由美子、福田朱里、薮下 楓)による「瀬戸内PR部隊」による楽曲「僕はこの海を眺めてる」のミュージックビデオが完成しました。
石田千穂、岩田陽菜、沖 侑果、門脇実優菜、瀧野由美子、福田朱里、薮下 楓
Gazing Out At the Sea
I'm not the type who's good with people
I always felt most at ease when I was by myself
Even on the deserted beach in wintertime
I wasn't lonely
No matter how crowded the city
Even if it's teeming with hustle and bustle
If I don't have someone to talk to
I end up feeling loneliness
I just wanted to feel the sea breeze
And kept pedaling my bicycle
When I crest the slope the highway
I'll feel a sense of relief
How many more times in my life
Will I gaze out at this sea?
Sitting on the seawall
I'm always asking
About love, about dreams
Wondering, "What does it mean to live?"
Even if it's silent and unanswering
It always listens to me
My friends are the sounds of the waves
Youth is just full of anxieties
When I happened to notice, I was walking with eyes downcast
I felt like the lowest of the low
Those were days of self-loathing
I longed for someone to confide in
And yet it felt embarrassing to admit
Just like this, I should open
My apprehensive heart
Living is stifling
I find myself pushing myself too hard without realizing
Why don't I stretch out my arms someplace
And take a deep breath
Even when I'm all grown up
I wanna gaze out at the sea here
Yes, the most beautiful place
That only I know
When I fall in love, I wanna bring that special person
And bring them here
My memories are glistening
And will shine for always
My friends
When the sun rises
And when it sets
It's as though you're watching over us
Seto Inland Sea
How many more times in my life
Will I gaze out at this sea?
Sitting on the seawall
I'm always asking
About love, about dreams
Wondering, "What does it mean to live?"
Even if it's silent and unanswering
It always listens to me
My friends are the sounds of the waves
Where does happiness lie?
It's plain to see for anyone if you reach out your hand
STU48 6thシングル「独り言で語るくらいなら」
<Type A>
《CD》 新曲2曲+inst2曲 計4曲収録予定
M-2「サングラスデイズ」1期生 & ドラフト3期生 楽曲
M-3 M-1(off vocal ver.)
M-4 M-2(off vocal ver.)
1.「独り言で語るくらいなら」Music Video
<Type B>
《CD》 新曲2曲+inst2曲 計4曲収録予定
M-2「僕はこの海を眺めてる」瀬戸内PR部隊 楽曲
M-3 M-1(off vocal ver.)
M-4 M-2(off vocal ver.)
1.「僕はこの海を眺めてる」Music Video
#STU48 #瀬戸内PR部隊 #僕はこの海を眺めてる
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