エボラ感染拡大 強制隔離で暴動「見殺しにするな」









Liberia Battles Spreading Ebola Epidemic:A Liberian Army soldier, part of the Ebola Task Force, beats a local resident while enforcing a quarantine on the West Point slum on August 20, 2014 in Monrovia, Liberia. The government ordered the quarantine of West Point, a congested seaside slum of 75,000, on Wednesday, in an effort to stop the spread of the virus in the capital city. Liberian soldiers were also sent in to the seaside favela to extract West Point Commissioner Miata Flowers and her family members after residents blamed the government for setting up a holding center for suspected Ebola patients to be set up in their community. A mob overran and closed the facility on August 16. The military also began enforcing a quarrantine on West Point, a congested slum of 75,000, fearing a spread of the epidemic. The Ebola virus has killed more than 1,200 people in four African nations, more in Liberia than any other country.

A Chinese UN soldier prepares a truckload of Ebola relief aid after it was airlifted by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), on August 23, 2014 in Harbel, Liberia. The cargo plane arrived from Belgium carrying 75 tons (68 metric tons), of medical and hygiene supplies supplied by UNICEF with support from the US Office of Disaster Assistance to help contain the worst Ebola epidemic in history. It was the largest UN airlift of Ebola relief to arrive to Liberia, where international aid agencies and the Liberian government have been struggling to contain the epidemic of the deadly virus. The shipment included 30 tons of concentrated chlorine for disinfection, almost 1 million latex gloves, itravenous fluids, oral rehydration salts and therapeudic foods for patients undergoing treatment. The emergency items will be distributed by the Liberian Ministry of Health to 470 health facilities nationwide, according to UNICEF. The deadly virus has killed at least 1,400 people in West Africa and more in Liberia than any other country.

(Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

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