Mom, I'm Gay: Navigating Queerness Together as Parent and Childって動画が話題らしいぞ
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投稿したのが01/09 16:00なんかな~なんだかなーで229以上も???再生されてるってすごいよなー
投稿日:01/09 16:00
ちな01/09 16:00時点での情報ねwww
Gay Men Going Deeper Podcastの動画は良作が多い気がするな~~
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Coming out to our families can be one of the most difficult experiences we navigate as queer folk. Sometimes it can be made even more difficult if the people we are opening up to are challenged by it, or don’t understand it. Other times, we may find ourselves in the company of people who do understand, or simply meet our openness with their own. Or, in this case, sometimes what we experience is a combination of both.
This is a unique episode, because today our co-host Reno is sitting down with none other than HIS MOM to have a conversation about being different, growing up gay and queer, how she navigated his queerness as a parent, and how they both navigated his queerness as parent and child.
Allison Johnston is a mother, grandmother, social worker, advocate, and sage.
In this episode, we dive into…
👩👦 When she knew I was different.
👩👦 When she knew I was gay.
👩👦 What some of the signs were.
👩👦 Life growing up.
👩👦 Coming out.
👩👦 How she and my family and friends experienced my coming out.
👩👦 Whether she struggled with it or not, and who did.
👩👦 What some of my own struggles were.
👩👦 What it was like being the mother of a queer child.
👩👦 What wisdom we might offer family members relating to queerness.Today's Guest:
◾Allison Johnston
Instagram - www.instagram.com/alli.j102Today's Host:
◾Reno Johnston
Website - https://www.itjustgotreno.com/
Instagram - www.instagram.com/itjustgotreno🗓️ MONTHLY COMMUNITY EVENTS:
https://www.gaymensbrotherhood.com/events/📚 ONLINE LEARNING: Gay Men Going Deeper Coaching Collection: https://www.gaymensbrotherhood.com/gaymengoingdeeper/
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https://www.gaymensbrotherhood.com/gay-men-going-deeper-podcast/ℹ️ ABOUT: Gay Men Going Deeper is a podcast and YouTube channel about personal development, mental health and sexuality.
MATT LANDSIEDEL - https://www.mattlandsiedel.com/
MICHAEL DIIORIO - https://www.wellismo.com/
RENO JOHNSTON - https://itjustgotreno.com/FOLLOW US:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gaymensbrotherhood
Twitter: https://twitter.com/brotherhood_gay
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gaymengoingdeeper
Website: https://www.gaymensbrotherhood.com/GAY MEN'S BROTHERHOOD:
This is a conscious community for gay men to connect with each other on the journey of healing from shame and becoming more authentic and aligned to their truth. We aim to offer inspiration, support, connection, healing, and a safe space to show up just as you are. Our vision for the members is to learn to feel more comfortable showing up vulnerably so deeper intimacy can be established in our community. We dream of a gay community where everyone can feel more connected to one another in more ways than just superficial and we can feel less lonely and have deeper connections to one another.► Join 1000's of gay men in building a supportive community: https://gay-mens-brotherhood.ck.page/keepmeupdated
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:41 Remembering Childhood Years
00:08:43 Did the Men Struggle with the Fieriness and the Femineity or the Queerness?
00:23:38 During Teenage Years
00:31:29 The Loneliness and the Struggle
00:38:45 Sexual Preference
00:42:01 Do Parents Have This Vision for Their Child's Life?
00:46:12 Having a Crush on Someone
00:52:11 Being Surrounded by Most Amazing Women and Some Great Men
00:57:00 Few Nuggets of Wisdom
01:01:02 Outro
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